SKU: fd00f388d95f Category: Tablets

Fluconazole 150mg Tablets

1 in stock

Fluconazole is an antifungal medicine that prevents the bonds of fungus and yeast on various parts of the body. It is known to help cure infections that occur in the mouth, ear, throat, nose, fingers esophagus, lungs, genetic area, and bladder. The aid treats broad-spectrum fungal infections.

The salt fluconazole offers the killing of fungal and yeast cells. It inhibits the production growth of fungi thereby killing the fat metabolism in production. As the interference in the fungal production cells is notions, the salt responsibility lessees the effect of infection and benefits with the results.

Some necessary precautions are important for a person with an infection. Taking Fluconazole medicine with a prescription is mandatory as it will promote effective results. The medicine needs to be taken with water and not any other liquid, also the maintenance of a healthy diet is necessary. Some side effects may occur with the use of this medicine. The commonly noted ones are headache, drowsiness, vomiting, skin irritation, etc the dose is not for the pregnant woman, and it is also not for the use of the pregnant woman.


Here are some benefits of salt which will possibly treat the cause of fungal development cells.

  • Treat fungal infection of the ear.
  • Reduced yeast development in the esophagus.
  • Benefits with the production covering on the cells to protect them.
  • Reduces fungi development in the throat.
  • It can treat the fungal infection of the lungs too.
  • It lessens the effect of fungi on the genital area and bladder.


Some important precautions are mandatory and must be followed by the patient with the use of these salt tablets.

  • Take the medicine with a prescription.
  • The medicine can be allergic, hence inform the doctor about the medicine allergies.
  • Maintain a healthy diet for better results.
  • Alcohol consumption with the dose is prohibited.
  • Reduce the consumption of other medicines within the combination.
  • The medicine is not for the pregnant woman.
  • The aid is not suitable for the children.


The general side effects of the medicine are mentioned below.

  • Drowsiness
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Skin irritation.

Note- Fluconazole salt table needs to be taken under external conditions.

Storage- Keep the Fluconazole salt medicine in a cool, dry place without direct sunlight.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1. Is Fluconazole suitable to take for skin allergies?
Answer 1. No, Fluconazole salt medicine is only beneficial to cure fungal infections.

Question 2. Can the dose of Fluconazolesat medicine be taken by a pregnant woman?
Answer 2. No, the intake for the pregnant woman is prohibited.

Question 3 How many doses of salt medicine are prescribed?
Answer 3 The dose taken completely depends on the doctor and your consumption requirement as per the spread of infection.

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