SKU: d7778937af98 Category: Syrup & Pediatrics Range

Calcium carbonate 625 mg + Magnesium Hydroxide 180 mg + Zinc Gluconate 14 mg + Vitamin D3 200 IU

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Sometimes the body needs supplementary diets because our body does not get enough supplements from the eatables source and to gain such nutrients we need supplements. Calcium carbonate 625 mg, Magnesium Hydroxide 180 mg, Zinc Gluconate 14 mg, and Vitamin D3 200 IU are necessary ingredients and these ingredients help in fulfilling different nutrients value of the human body. Sometimes small children suffer from malnutrition and for them, these drugs come in the form of syrup because children are unable other forms of drugs like Tablets and Capsules.

That is why this drug comes in the form of syrup. So that children can easily take these supplements. This drug comes under supplementary diets but this must be taken by the prescription of the doctor because if your body does not lack any of the supplements that this syrup is providing then there is an increment in that nutrient which create problems for your body. Because an excess of something is also not good.

Mechanisms of  Calcium carbonate 625 mg, Magnesium Hydroxide 180 mg, Zinc Gluconate 14 mg, and Vitamin D3 200 Srup

This syrup is made by combining four different-different supplements such as calcium carbonate, Magnesium Hydroxide, Zinc Gluconate, and Vitamin D3. This syrup provides different nourishment values to the human body and has different sets of actions that they perform for treating the deficiency of that particular supplement. The way this medication fulfills these supplements are mentioned below.

Calcium Carbonate- This is a very essential ingredient that is required by the body for maintaining healthy bones, Muscles, the Neurological system, and the heart. This compound can also act as an antacid which is very helpful in case of heartburn and acid reflux.

Magnesium Hydroxide- Magnesium Hydroxide is also a very essential ingredient because this chemical compound helps in treating problems like constipation. This compound is also very helpful in case of stomach problems and heartburn.

Zinc Gluconate- This compound helps in improving the deficiency of zinc. Zinc is an important element for our body. The body requires this element for performing many actions. This compound helps if you are suffering from a cold, running nose, Stuff nose, and hoarse voice.

Vitamin D3-  Weak bones can create many problems and if there is little stress on the bone you feel pain due to the deficiency of this vitamin this compound helps in improving the deficiency of vitamin D which improves bones health.

Benefits of Calcium carbonate 625 mg, Magnesium Hydroxide 180 mg, Zinc Gluconate 14 mg, and Vitamin D3 200 Srup

This syrup has many health benefits. This drug comes in the form of syrup which is why this can easy administrate in children’s bodies. This drug can be used as a supplement but only if it is prescribed by the doctors. These are some of the benefits of this syrup which are mentioned below.

  1. This syrup helps in maintaining bone health.
  2. This syrup helps in improving the deficiency of Zinc.
  3. This syrup provides relief from heartburn.
  4. This syrup helps in maintaining the condition of muscles and neurological systems.
  5. This is a very well-tolerated drug.

Side effects of Calcium carbonate 625 mg, Magnesium Hydroxide 180 mg, Zinc Gluconate 14 mg, and Vitamin D3 200 Srup

This is a very well-tolerated medication and generally, this syrup has no side effects if you use it as per the prescription from the doctor. But sometimes using drugs irregularly can create the problem of the residue of this drug which may create some side effects and sometimes this medication does not go with different body physiology then can so some side effects. These are some side effects that you may suffer during this medication.

  • Allergies
  • Nausea
  • Digestive issues
  • Constipation

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