SKU: bd9a0d25fd24 Category: Syrup & Pediatrics Range

Aceclofenac 25 mg + Paracetamol 125 mg Suspension

1 in stock

Aceclofenac and Paracetamol Suspension is primarily used to reduce pain and inflammation. The suspension belongs to the category of medicines called ‘non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Whereas, inflammation is a localized physical condition in which a part of the body becomes red, swollen, hot, and often painful, especially in response to injury or infection. The medicine is highly beneficial for providing relief from pain in headaches, mild migraine, muscle pain, dental pain, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, and painful menses (periods).

Do not self-medicate the medicine take it as per the dosage and duration prescribed by your healthcare professional. Shake the suspension well before taking it. Some users may experience a few side effects such as dizziness, nausea (feeling sick), digestion problems (constipation, flatulence, diarrhea), and skin reactions (like rashes, hives). You shall immediately inform your doctor if your side effects persist or you are allergic to Aceclofenac or Paracetamol.

Medical Benefits of Aceclofenac and Paracetamol Suspension

The oral suspension is composed of Aceclofenac and Paracetamol. Aceclofenac works by inhibiting the effect of chemical messengers like prostaglandins (responsible for producing pain and inflammation). Paracetamol has both analgesic and antipyretic (fever reducer) properties which reduces mild pain and possibly fever.

Aceclofenac and Paracetamol Suspension is commonly used to provide relief from health conditions such as headache, mild migraine, muscle pain, dental pain, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis and painful menses (periods). Some of the major medical benefits of Aceclofenac and Paracetamol Suspension are mentioned below:

  • Relieve pain by reducing inflammation and inhibiting the production of pain-inducing chemicals in the body.
  • Useful in reducing pain and inflammation (redness and swelling) both in infants and children.
  • Provide relief from pain conditions such as headaches, mild migraine, muscle pain, dental pain, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, and painful menses (periods).

Side Effects of Aceclofenac and Paracetamol Suspension

There are mild to moderate side effects of Aceclofenac and Paracetamol Suspension that get resolved over time. The side effects may vary in all the users as they depend on the physiological conditions and response to the therapy. Inform your doctor if your side effects are worse with time or persist. The range of side effects noticed on using the Aceclofenac and Paracetamol Suspension are mentioned below:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Digestion problems (like constipation, flatulence, diarrhea)
  • Increased liver enzymes in the blood (diagnosed through liver function test)

Drug Interaction 

Aceclofenac and Paracetamol suspension may interact with other medicines when taken together. The drugs also have a tendency to interact with other food items and certain health conditions. Therefore, it is advised to not take Aceclofenac and Paracetamol suspension with the following mentioned drugs:

  • cholesterol-lowering drugs (cholestyramine)
  • charcoal, medicine to stop vomiting (domperidone, metoclopramide)
  • alcohol
  • anti-HIV drug (zidovudine)
  • blood thinner (warfarin)
  • blood pressure lowering medicine
  • anti-cancer
  • anti-arthritis drug (methotrexate)

Safety Precautions 

1. Avoid consuming alcohol as it may interfere with the absorption of Aceclofenac and Paracetamol.

2. Do not consume Aceclofenac and Paracetamol Suspension without a doctor’s consultation if you are pregnant or breastfeeding your child.

3. Avoid driving or performing any mental activity that may require you to stay mentally alert as the medication is known to cause dizziness and sleepiness.

4. Store the medicine in a cool and dry place away from the direct sunlight.

5.  Keep the medicine out of reach of children and pets. Properly dispose of expired and discarded medicines.

6. Complete the entire course of the medicine and do not skip the dosages.

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